Project Portfolio


Journio - The Simple Itinerary Application

Languages: AngularJS, Firebase, Javascript, Sass. Tools: Facebook Open Graph API, IBM Bluemix / Cloud Foundry, Divshot.

Journio was designed to replace the giant stack of paper itineraries that my mom carries on trips. I wanted an interface and experience that was simple enough for her -- a non-technical user -- to be able to use it without hesitation.

The application displays event data by:

  • Pulling the user's Facebook events that they've created or RSVP'd to
  • Filtering events by a date range using JQuery Datepickers
  • Persisting user-uploaded files to attach to specific events
  • Persisting user settings (dates and files) so there is minimal user interaction required when they leave and return to the application


Angular Movie Search - Utilizing OMdb

Languages: AngularJS, SCSS, HTML. Tools: OMdb API, Divshot.

The Angular Movie Search utilizes the OMdb API to query movie data and return the data in an easy-to-navigate interface. All content is loaded using basic views and single-page interaction. The design is based on simplicity and ease of use.


eBae - the Electronic Bachelor(ette) Auction Experience

Languages: Javascript, Sass, MongoDB. Tools: Express, Facebook oAuth, Stripe Payments API.

eBae is a web-app for non-profit organizations to host auction-based fundraisers to streamline what is typically a manual process for them. Currently it handles Bachelor/Bachelorette auctions, but can very easily be scaled to incorporate silent auctions and mobile features.

A full demo can be found here:

The application is a twist on a CRUD app, where a user can:

  • Add a bachelor(ette) and supply profile information for them
  • Purchase an auction, after authenticating their identity with Facebook oAuth
  • Pay for the auction with the Stripe API
  • Access the Admin Console, where the information for the host organization can be replaced, and the database of current auctions can be cleared out to a blank slate.

css grid

Reddit API Single-Page Reader

Languages: Javascript, JSON, HTML. Tools: LocalStorage.

Worked with JSON objects from Reddit to build custom subreddits that persist through the next time that the user visits the page. Parsed Reddit data using JSON and utilized LocalStorage to store user data to the user's personal information and preferences. The focus here was not on design, but on functionality and experimenting.

css grid

CSS Grids

Languages: HTML, CSS. Tools: Github.

Experimenting with Asymmetrical and Symmetrical grids in CSS styling. Not too much more to it than that!

walking man

The Walking Man

Languages: Javascript, HTML, CSS. Tools: Github.

Make the man walk to the right, and then when he hits the edge of the screen, turn around and walk back. Repeat. Sounds easy, but this simple little exercise challenged me! I explored a lot about the DOM and how to extract measurements from it in this exercise.

music player

Music Player

Languages: Javascript, HTML, CSS. Tools: Github, Divshot.

This simple music player is Javascript based and interacts with four audio files. The player functions as a typical player would, with each song playing individually and their Title and Artist names displaying in the header as they play. This was our first interaction involving icons from Font Awesome as well.

markdown editor

Simple Markdown Editor

Languages: Javascript, HTML, CSS, JSON. Tools: Github, Showdown.

The Markdown Editor was our first interaction with third-party Javascript libraries, utilizing a js.on package and Showdown (which parses HTML into Markdown format). This project's purpose was actually intended to build coding speed, racing to execute rudimentary commands as quickly and accurately as possible (I was able to generate this page in 4 minutes and 38 seconds!)


Replicate a Tweet

Languages: HTML, CSS. Tools: Github, Normalize, Reset.

Challenging our CSS knowledge and attention to detail, this project put our styling skills to the test. This was also our first exposure to the Normalize and Reset stylesheets. The linked project utilizes Normalize.css, but there is a pixel-for-pixel matched version in this same repository that utilizes Reset.css.